Barbara Hosier

Obituary of Barbara Hosier

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Miss Barbara Hosier, 60, of Amsterdam, NY, died in Schenectady, NY on January 8, 2025.

Barbara was born on June 25th, 1964, the daughter of Lloyd Hosier and Leona Brewer.

She was educated in Schenectady Schools and lived in the area her whole life.

She was predeceased by her sisters Laura C. Fenty and Dorothy Florence.

Survivors include her mother, Leona Brewer, and grandniece Madiosn Florence.

Following her wishes she will be cremated at Parkview Crematorium, under the direction of Houghtaling and Hanley Funeral Home, 20 Otsego Street, Canajoharie, NY 13317.

There will be no formal services.

Condolences to her family may be left at

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Barbara
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Houghtaling & Hanley Funeral Home, Inc.
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Barbara Hosier

In Loving Memory

Barbara Hosier

1964 - 2025

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Services for Barbara Hosier
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